How to improve your driver score for a better price at renewal

Written by Zego

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How do we calculate your driver score?

The driver score is the most important feature of the Zego Sense app. It allows you to understand how well you’ve been driving, so that you can make improvements in order to receive a reduced premium at renewal. The better you drive, the more you save - it’s as simple as that. But how exactly is your driver score calculated?

Sense uses your phone’s inbuilt sensors

The Zego Sense app uses location and motion data from your phone’s inbuilt sensors to monitor your driving behaviours whenever you drive.  It picks up on the frequency of factors like harsh braking, aggressive acceleration and sharp cornering, and compiles this data to create your driver score on a rolling basis.

Your score is an average over time

Your score is a reflection of how well you drive over an extended period of time, so it won’t be skewed by one moment or even one day. The app also understands when you’re driving vs when you’re a passenger in someone else’s vehicle, so you don’t have to worry about other people’s behaviour affecting your score.

Your score may change even if you don’t drive for a few days

Note that since your score always reflects an average of your driving in the most recent weeks, you might see changes even if you haven’t driven for a couple of days as the window of relevant data progresses. However, before you can get a score, you’ll need to complete at least 5 trips and drive 62 miles (100km) in the past 35 days.

How to improve your driver score

The Zego Sense app monitors a variety of driving behaviours to create your driver score, specifically, acceleration, braking and cornering.

We’ve put together this handy guide to show you how you can master each of these areas and achieve a fantastic driver score for savings at renewal!

How to improve: Acceleration

The Sense app detects when you may have accelerated much more than you need to. Harsh acceleration could make your vehicle less stable, especially on poor road surfaces, which could lead to accidents.

Harsh acceleration also tends to use more fuel, driving up your costs and harming the environment, as well as making your journey uncomfortable for passengers and putting unnecessary strains on the vehicle.

Tips for safe acceleration

1. Developing your accelerator competence

Regardless of the conditions you may be driving in, it’s good to have a sound understanding of how to use your accelerator effectively. Use accurate and smooth movements to release or depress to avoid any sudden or harsh movements of the vehicle. This will help you develop a better “acceleration sense” – in other words, your ability to respond to changing road and traffic conditions with your accelerator, rather than braking.

2. Moving off too quickly

We may detect harsh acceleration if you try to move away from a stationary position too quickly. Instead, when moving from stationary to driving, accelerate smoothly and increase your speed by slowly working up through the gears (in a manual vehicle).

Before moving off you should:

  • Use all your mirrors to check the road is clear
  • Check your blind spots
  • Signal
  • Always look around for a final check!

Remember: Mirrors - Signal - Manoeuvre

3. Accelerating in bad weather

If it’s wet or snowy, take extra care! Accelerating too quickly could cause your tyres to skid. In wet conditions, your car’s tyres could lose contact with the road surface due to aquaplaning, causing you to lose control of the vehicle.

To avoid these incidents, be sure to accelerate gently in poor weather conditions.

4. Accelerating at red lights

Harsh acceleration is sometimes detected if you try to get through traffic lights when they’re turning red. It’s important to stay aware and always look ahead to reduce the risk of harsh acceleration happening. When the lights are switching to red, it’s time to slow down, not speed up.

5. Accelerating when overtaking

We get it, sometimes you’re stuck behind another vehicle and need to overtake and be on your merry way. Always make sure you can overtake safely before you decide to manoeuvre. As you overtake, your speed should always stay under the speed limit.

6. Always plan ahead

Check your planned route is clear of delays, and give yourself enough time to get to your destination. This makes it less likely that you’ll have to rush to arrive on time, which can cause you to accelerate more quickly than normal.

How to improve: Braking

The Sense app detects when you brake more harshly than you need to, which could lead to accidents.

You should always brake gently while driving (except if you need to brake immediately in an emergency to avoid a hazard – even so, try to avoid braking so harshly that your wheels lock, which can lead to a loss of control).

Tips for safe braking

1. Keeping a good distance

Always make sure you keep well back from the road user in front of you. Stopping distances are often longer than you think - check out the recommended stopping distances from the AA.

2. Coming to a stop

If you’re coming up to a red light, stop sign or junction, always make sure you come to a stop early and lightly. Brake more firmly as you begin to stop, and ease the pressure off just before the vehicle comes to rest in order to avoid a jerky stop.

3. Braking in bad weather

Wet or icy conditions can increase the stopping distance of your vehicle, aka how long it takes for your vehicle to come to a halt after you’ve applied the brakes.  This is because your tyres have less grip on the road.

To avoid harsh braking, take great care and allow more time for your journey. Drive slower, brake more gently than usual, and always keep a good distance away from the driver in front of you.

In icy weather, it may help to drive at a slow speed in a higher gear, braking very gently.

4. Braking around a bend

When going around a bend, it can help to think about your braking. Brake progressively on the straight before you reach the bend. This will allow you to take the bend smoothly, having already slowed down, so that you don’t need to brake suddenly, which could make you skid.

5. Plan ahead

Sometimes you may brake harshly due to an unexpected hazard. Always make sure you stay aware when you’re driving to help you to anticipate these hazards, and allow you to slow down more gently. Stay alert, avoid distractions like mobile phones, and rest if you feel too tired to drive.

And remember that stopping distances are always longer in wet or icy weather.

How to improve: Cornering

Sense detects when you take corners faster than necessary, which could cause you to lose control of your vehicle especially on poor road surfaces, making accidents more likely.

Tips for safe cornering

1. Approaching a bend

Ease off the accelerator or gently brake to reduce your speed on approach to the bend. Take the bend slowly, and only speed up again when you have rounded the corner.

2. Unexpected hazards

When going around a bend, always anticipate unexpected hazards just around the corner. Make sure you approach the bend slowly enough that, should a hazard appear, you can stop or swerve in time to avoid an accident.

3. Bad weather

Be extra careful going around a bend in bad weather, especially if it’s wet or icy. Drive slowly and avoid braking or accelerating too harshly, which can otherwise cause your car to skid.

4. Overtaking

Try not to overtake on a bend as you won’t be able to see ahead of you to identify hazards quickly enough, which could cause you to brake or accelerate harshly.

For a visual presentation of cornering techniques you can check out this video by Reg Local: "5 Tips to Improve Your Cornering"

How to improve: Speeding

Sense monitors and rates your driving against the speed limits on the roads, to give you a complete picture of how all your speed changes contribute to your driving safety and efficiency.

Tips to keep your speed in check

Staying within speed limits is crucial for both safety and a better score. Here are some tips to help you manage your speed and improve your score:

1. Stay aware of speed limits

Speed limits can change frequently, especially in urban areas. Keep an eye on road signs and adjust your speed accordingly. This is especially important in school zones, construction areas, or places with variable speed limits.

2. Use cruise control on long journeys

On longer trips, using cruise control can help you maintain a steady speed, especially on highways. This feature helps you to stay within the speed limit and save fuel.

3. Give yourself plenty of time

One of the most common reasons drivers speed is because they’re running late. By planning ahead and allowing extra time for your journey, you can avoid the temptation to push your speed past the limit.

4. Adjust for weather conditions

Even if the speed limit is high, road conditions may not be ideal for fast driving. In bad weather like rain, snow, or fog, it’s safer to drive below the speed limit. This helps you stay in control and avoid accidents.

5. Avoid rushing through traffic lights

Speeding up to beat a red light is a risky behaviour that could affect both your safety and your Sense score. It’s better to slow down and approach with caution, rather than rush through and risk a collision.

6. Stay focused on the road

Distractions like phones, food, or conversations can make it easy to miss a speed limit sign. Stay focused on the road and keep an eye on your speedometer to avoid any unnecessary speeding.